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My family ‘going green’ is not about clean energy, its about saving money
By Kent R. Kroeger (April 2, 2023)
“There are no zero emission energy supplies,” French physicist Jacques Treiner.
My family put 27 solar panels on our home last November, with zero upfront costs. And after three full months of operation, we are saving nearly $100-a-month in electricity costs.
How we arrived at our neighborhood home version of the green revolution may highlight why going green has a real chance of success on a household-level, while still falling short on a global scale.
Here is the story of my family ‘going green’…but, first, here is one reason that left me feeling uncompelled to go ‘green.’
‘Green’ isn’t all that green
A recent YouTube video of nine Congolese miners escaping from a collapsed gold mine captured the world’s attention, the ecstatic cries of their fellow miners as their trapped co-workers emerged from what would have otherwise been horrific deaths.
Naturally, the news media’s coverage of the event emphasized the miners’ bravery and heroism. But I couldn’t help but think of the miners from other mining operations across the globe that didn’t survive tunnel collapses.